Founded in 1994, La Flor Dominicana cigars, or LFD Cigars, have remained a top choice among smokers looking for very powerful, yet well-refined premium handmade cigars. With a fabulous reputation of creating one top-rated blend after another, these are some of the most sought after smokes in the world. La Flor Dominicana cigars offer a wide range of unique flavor profiles, all expertly hand-rolled in Santiago, the Dominican Republic using the finest aged long filler tobaccos and top-quality wrapper leaves in various shades.
Included in this LFD sampler package (all of which are on backorder or limited supply)
- 1 LFD Andalusian Bull
- 1 LFD La Volcada
- 1 LFD Special Football Edition Miami 2020
- 1 Oxford Cigar Single Torch Lighter
*Limited 1 sampler pack per customer