BANDOLERO TRAFICANTES: A Cigar Steeped in History and Defiance
Oxford Cigar Company is pleased to offer the Bandolero Traficantes, a cigar that embodies the daring spirit and rich history of cigar-making. This cigar is not just a blend of premium tobaccos; it’s a tribute to a rebellious era that shaped the cigar industry as we know it today.
Cigar history is marked by a tumultuous path between crime and pleasure. During the period from 1717 to 1817, the Spanish Crown’s prohibition on cigar production outside the Sevilla Royal Factory resulted in an absurd monopoly. This restriction led to the birth of the Bandolero, an intrepid figure who defied the monopoly by bootlegging tobacco leaves and rolling them in secret, creating an authentic and affordably priced cigar.
The Bandolero Traficantes celebrates the spirit of these intrepid individuals. It represents not just a cigar but an act of defiance and a dedication to craftsmanship. The Bandolero Traficantes is a symbol of authenticity, dressed with the allure of what was once forbidden, making it a unique and compelling choice for cigar enthusiasts.
Each Bandolero Traficantes is crafted with an exceptional blend of tobaccos, offering a rich tapestry of flavors. Notes of mocha, red pepper, earth, and cream come together to create a complex and satisfying smoking experience. The blend results in a cigar that is both bold and smooth, appealing to a wide range of palates.
We invite you to embrace the legacy of the Bandolero with the Bandolero Traficantes. This cigar is more than just a smoke; it’s a celebration of history, rebellion, and the art of cigar making. Available at Oxford Cigar Company, indulge in a cigar that represents a crucial era in cigar history. Enjoy the benefits of our fast shipping, rewards program, and price-match guarantee.
Order your Bandolero Traficantes today and indulge in a cigar that offers not just exceptional flavor but a story steeped in history. Experience the charm and character of a cigar born from defiance and crafted with skill. The Bandolero Traficantes is not just a choice; it’s an experience, a journey through the annals of cigar history, and a testament to the enduring spirit of the cigar industry.
BruceWang (verified owner) –
The first taste attracted me, slightly sweet, black pepper, leather and a little spice, the opening is quite amazing. Among the non-Gou I smoked recently, the first part of this one left a deep impression on me
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Anonymous (verified owner) –
After having this all I can say is wow. What an incredible cigar. The depth of flavor on this is unmatched. The wrapper is oily and oozing with flavor. I get cedar, cocoa and an incredibly creamy finish. The construction on this is great. The flavors just dance on your tongue. You do get a slight spice in black pepper. I was blown away by this cigar and I would give it 6 stars if possible but 5 will have to do. Incredible!
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Hakimo (verified owner) –
A tremendous full strength cigar for a nice evening and a dark ale. If ever seen in stock make sure you grab one.
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Justin White (verified owner) –
Another winner. The wrapper is glistening with oil, and the complexity is amazing.
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