Savor the Excellence of Davidoff Grand Cru Diademas Finas Limited Edition
Experience a unique and sophisticated smoking journey with the Davidoff Grand Cru Diademas Finas Limited Edition. This exceptional cigar is crafted with meticulous attention to detail, offering a rich and complex flavor profile that mirrors the intricate nuances of a fine red wine.
Why Choose Davidoff Grand Cru Diademas Finas Limited Edition?
•Unique Filler: Features wine cask aged Dominican San Vicente tobacco, which absorbs the cask’s aroma, creating a fruity character reminiscent of well-aged red wine.
•Complex Flavor Evolution: The flavor profile transitions from pronounced citrus notes to pepper, roasted nuts, dark cherries, oak wood, earth, walnut, fresh spice, and vanilla, providing a dynamic and engaging smoking experience.
•Inspired by Wine: This cigar pays homage to Zino Davidoff’s 1946 vision of blending cigars like wine, featuring three different fillers for a balanced and harmonious taste.
Product Details:
•Wrapper: Dominican
•Binder: Dominican
•Filler: Dominican San Vicente (wine cask aged), and other Dominican tobaccos
•Size: Diademas Finas (figurado format)
•Body: Mild
•Limited Edition: Exclusive and rare, making it a prized addition to any collection
Flavor Profile
•Cigar Foot:
•Citrus: Pronounced citrus notes create a refreshing start.
•Pepper: Adds a slight kick, enhancing the complexity.
•Roasted Nuts: Complements the creaminess, rounding out the initial flavors.
•Cigar Body:
•Dark Cherries: The wine cask aged Dominican San Vicente tobacco brings forward aromas of dark cherries, reminiscent of red wine.
•Oak Wood: Adds depth and richness.
•Earth: Complements the overall stimulation with a robust character.
•Cigar Head:
•Walnut: Pronounced notes of walnut for a rich finish.
•Fresh Spice: Adds a lively twist.
•Vanilla: Smooth and creamy, enhancing the final intensity.
A Cigar with a Rich History
Inspired by the world of wine, the Davidoff Grand Cru line has its roots in Zino Davidoff’s 1946 creation. The Grand Cru Diademas Finas Limited Edition continues this legacy with its premier Grand Cru Classé red wine cask aged filler tobacco, making it the first Grand Cru figurado format.
Elevate Your Smoking Experience
Indulge in the Davidoff Grand Cru Diademas Finas Limited Edition, a cigar that combines tradition, innovation, and unparalleled craftsmanship. Each puff offers a symphony of flavors that will captivate your senses and elevate your cigar enjoyment to new heights.
Available at Oxford Cigar Company – your premier destination for the world’s finest cigars and cigar accessories. Add the Davidoff Grand Cru Diademas Finas Limited Edition to your collection today and savor the exceptional craftsmanship and rich flavors that only Davidoff can provide. Order now and experience the ultimate Grand Cru cigar.
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