Davidoff Nicaragua cigars were inspired by Zino Davidoff’s pioneering spirit, Davidoff’s master blenders went on an exploration for a new type of blend that would stimulate both the bitter and sweet taste buds. Finally, they found it in Nicaragua’s ultra-rich volcanic soil. It took 10 years of patient curing and aging to tame the wilder tendencies of these tobaccos. Arguably one of THE BEST Nicaraguan puros ever made! The smoke is creamy smooth, complex, and aromatic. Order yours NOW!
Davidoff Mini Cigarillo Nicaragua
SKU: 199973
Categories: Cigar Tins, Cigar Brands, Cigar Collection, Davidoff Cigars
Tags: cigar tins, cigarillos, Dominican Republic, Full Bodied
Brand: Davidoff Cigars
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Strength: Full Bodied
Shape: Cigarillo
Size: 3.43 x 22
Country: Dominican Republic
Wrapper Origin: Nicaraguan
Wrapper Leaf: Habano
Tin Count: 20 (Box Count 5)
Sizes | 5 Boxes of 20 Count Tins – Nicaragua 3.43 x 22, 20 Count Tin – Nicaragua 3.43 x 22 |
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