Davidoff’s brand history is rich in exceptional cigar innovations and iconic achievements. Amongst these past innovations, this Panetela Larga with a pigtail was groundbreaking and caused quite a stir in the cigar world with its excellence in craftsmanship, and its uniqueness. To many aficionados, the cigars from that period are legendary creations they reminisce about.
The Davidoff Signature No.1 is a format and blend that has been lovingly recrafted by rollers half a century later. The construction is, as it always was, immaculate from start to finish. The flavors are as subtle and enchanting as ever.
1/3 – At the start of the Panetela Larga, the palate is introduced to a complex mix of flavors, where an elegant note of barley dominates and is soon joined by toasted wheat and oak wood. Additional subtle aromas of white pepper round off the first third.
2/3 – The sophisticated taste journey continues with a pleasant creaminess accompanied by complex notes of brown sugar and floral spice.
3/3 – A complex elegance refines the layers of this masterpiece. The final third presents notes of cedar wood, dried fruit, and black pepper, manifesting an exquisite and cultivated taste journey.
Alexander S (verified owner) –
At the light up (into the first third of the cigar), I thought I was smoking a Davidoff Grand Cru as I was getting the typical Grand Cru notes of smokey cedar, toasted almonds and earthy spices and as the cigar begin the warm up (halfway through the 1/3 and throughout the 2/3 of the cigar) this transferred into nuttiness, oak, sweet paprika and fruity (like a light to medium roast) coffee. The final third, I picked up dry earth, charred oak and mustiness.
I am giving it 4 stars as this cigar needs more age to make it a phenomenal smoke. Otherwise, I did love it. Glad I got a box from Oxford.
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Justin White (verified owner) –
My god was this ever good. I’m not a huge Davidoff guy, as I find most of their stuff doesn’t really justify the price to me. There are exceptions, things that really hit my palate well like the Yamasa and the Late Hour. Not to say that anything they make is bad, they’re all very good cigars in their own right, but I wouldn’t shell out the cash for most of them, the value just isn’t there for me.
Not the case with this though. Right at light up this wonderful bourbon oak barrel sweetness dominates. There’s some hearty cereal grain to follow, as well as vanilla, cherry, and white pepper. As I smoke it just gets creamier and sweeter. The barrel flavor dies down by the halfway point but never fully leaves the profile. There’s a little grassiness to it and that classic Davidoff barnyard quality. The flavors are absolutely outstanding, as is the construction. Absolutely flawless draw and burn, I’ve never had a lancer o perform quite this well. Very very impressive cigar. I’m ordering more as soon as I finish this review.
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