Davidoff Travel Humidor Business – For the Cigar Enthusiast on the Move
For cigar aficionados who value both functionality and style, the Davidoff Travel Humidor Business is an essential accessory. Engineered to maintain the freshness and integrity of cigars while traveling, this humidor blends innovative technology with a modern, professional aesthetic inspired by classic business attire.
Key Features
•Smart Tray Design: Crafted with flexible materials and a wave design, the tray holds various cigar formats securely, cushioning them from impact.
•Seamless Construction: Built without seams to ensure the ideal humidity level is maintained within; all materials are precision-welded to create a closed environment for freshness.
•Durable Multi-Layer Design: Featuring a multi-layer, laminated interior that locks in humidity while standing up to the rigors of travel.
•Optimal Humidity Control: Includes a Boveda fresh pack, providing a perfect humidity environment for cigars.
•Thoughtful Storage: With dedicated pockets for a lighter, double-blade cutter, and a microfiber cloth for easy maintenance, this humidor keeps all essentials at your fingertips.
•Elegant and Lightweight: Finished in distinguished navy blue with a patterned interior inspired by contemporary fashion trends, this humidor is as lightweight as it is stylish.
•Customizable Details: Comes with a removable leather tag for personal personalization, as well as a hidden pocket for business cards.
•Capacity: Holds up to 8 cigars, depending on format
•Dimensions: Compact and lightweight for easy transport
•Color: Navy blue exterior with contrasting interior
•Additional Pockets: Two dedicated storage pockets for accessories
Elevate your cigar experience with the Davidoff Travel Humidor Business. This humidor is more than just storage; it’s a statement of elegance and functionality, keeping your cigars fresh and ready wherever your business takes you.
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