Davidoff Winston Churchill Toro: A Cigar Worthy of a Statesman
Embrace the legacy of one of history’s most iconic leaders with the Davidoff Winston Churchill Toro. This grand cigar, featuring the largest ring gauge in the Winston Churchill range, offers a robust and refined smoking experience that mirrors the complexity and depth of Sir Winston Churchill himself.
A Symphony of Rich Flavors
The journey of the Davidoff Winston Churchill Toro begins with bold, spicy notes, enriched by the leathery and woody tones that are indicative of a truly premium cigar. As you progress, the experience is softened by the creamy, sweet influences of the Mexican binder, leading to a crescendo of flavors in the final act where Nicaraguan fillers from Esteli and Condega take center stage.
Exquisite Pairing Suggestions
This distinguished Toro pairs perfectly with a select range of fine whiskies. The slightly sweet notes of cedar found in the cigar harmonize beautifully with the smooth, rich flavors of a Glenmorangie or the subtle complexities of a Macallan Amber. This pairing not only enhances the smoking experience but also elevates it to a celebration of taste and tradition.
Crafted for the Discerning Aficionado
The Davidoff Winston Churchill Toro is more than just a cigar—it is a tribute to excellence and leadership. It is meticulously crafted to ensure a balanced, luxurious smoke that is as memorable as the man it honors. Ideal for contemplative moments of reflection or as a companion to meaningful discussions, this cigar is sure to inspire and impress.
Key Highlights:
- Largest ring gauge within the Winston Churchill series.
- Begins with spicy, leathery, and woody notes.
- Transitions into creamy, sweet flavors from the Mexican binder.
- Concludes with a rich blend of Nicaraguan fillers.
- Perfectly pairs with high-quality whiskies like Glenmorangie and Macallan Amber.
Indulge in the Davidoff Winston Churchill Toro and experience a cigar that captures the essence of leadership and legacy. Whether enjoyed alone or among fellow aficionados, this cigar promises a smoking experience that is as profound as it is pleasurable. Secure your Toro today and partake in a timeless tradition of excellence.
BruceWang (verified owner) –
When it is lit, it is milk, the full-fat kind, paired with oatmeal latte, very pleasant, with wood flavor, a little caramel, and a hint of hawthorn sourness in the mouth, very enjoyable.
It burned a quarter in about 20 minutes, which can be said to be very durable, and the taste did not change much.
In the middle, the milk flavor is reduced, a little more pepper flavor, and the wood flavor is heavier.
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Alexander S (verified owner) –
Davidoff Winston Churchill Toro: I love the Davidoff Winston Churchill series. Between the Toro and Churchill vitola – I prefer the Churchill. Both are phenomenal smokes. The tasting notes I got from the Toro were:
1/3: light herb, spice, toasted and floral
2/3: spice, earth, light pepper, toasted and nuttiness on the finish.
3/3: earth, spice, nut, toasted nuts and woodiness as I got to the end.
I like to smoke the Toro to change up the rotation but the Churchill is old faithful for me.
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Thiago A Ferreira (verified owner) –
Da linha tradicional, prefiro este ao late hour. Você na primeira fumada sente bastante gosto de baunilha com chocolate. Recomendo bastante e
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Justin White (verified owner) –
Really great cigar. Lots of lemon peel, cedar, and vanilla bean.
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