ARTURO FUENTE DON CARLOS: A Tribute to Excellence in Cigar Craftsmanship
Oxford Cigar Company is honored to present the Arturo Fuente Don Carlos, a cigar that stands as a monument to the legacy of its legendary creator, Carlos Fuente, Sr. This cigar is not just a smoke; it’s a celebration of the Fuente family’s commitment to creating some of the world’s finest cigars.
To craft the Arturo Fuente Don Carlos, Carlos Fuente, Sr. meticulously blended rare and vintage tobaccos, hand-selected and aged for up to 10 years. This dedication to using only the best tobaccos results in a cigar that is both rich and deeply flavorful, offering a smoking experience that is as luxurious as it is memorable.
Each Don Carlos cigar is wrapped in a flawless African Cameroon wrapper, a testament to the art of cigar making. This wrapper not only enhances the visual appeal of the cigar but also contributes significantly to its rich flavor profile, making it as pleasing to the eye as it is to the palate.
Due to the select tobacco required for these cigars, the Arturo Fuente Don Carlos is released in limited quantities. This exclusivity makes each cigar a rare and coveted item, sought after by aficionados and collectors alike. Crafted at the esteemed Tabacalera A. Fuente in the Dominican Republic, these cigars represent the pinnacle of cigar craftsmanship.
The Dominican-aged long-fillers and binders, combined with the dark, luscious African Cameroon wrapper, create a symphony of flavors in every smoke. Dominant notes of cocoa and nuts are beautifully complemented by sweet cedar and mild spice, offering a nuanced complexity that deepens with each faultless draw.
The Arturo Fuente Don Carlos delivers a medium-full smoking experience that is both balanced and rich. This cigar is perfect for those who seek a smoke that is not only full of flavor but also offers a complexity that grows with each puff.
We invite you to experience the legacy of Carlos Fuente, Sr. with the Arturo Fuente Don Carlos. Available at Oxford Cigar Company, this cigar is a must-have for those who appreciate the finest in cigar craftsmanship. Enjoy the benefits of our fast shipping, rewards program, and price-match guarantee. Indulge in the Arturo Fuente Don Carlos and savor a cigar that is the epitome of excellence and tradition in the world of premium cigars.
usarmy15t86 (verified owner) –
The Don Carlos is so much better than Opus to me. For the price, you get a great cigar, that burns phenomenally well, and has Fuente flavor in droves. These burn and smoke on par with other high-end, premium cigars. You won’t be disappointed with any of these, but my personal favorite is the #4 Mini Belicoso. The flavors hit just right at that size.
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Ysofockup (verified owner) –
The Don Carlos has earned a raft of 90+ reviews and it’s easy to see why. The burn was just about perfect and produced plenty of satisfying smoke. It was smooth and mild from start to finish with great complexity that grabs your attention right from the start. Highly recommended.
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mitchdlot (verified owner) –
There is nothing like a Don Carlos. A timeless classic that remains true to itself. Burn is perfect, flavours are consistent and there’s nothing like a Don Carlos. This is a signature stick at a great price and there’s never not a good time to have a DC.
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Sebastian Urena (verified owner) –
The last time I had a Don Carlos was several years ago, it used to be one of my favorite cigars. Since then I’ve trying new boutique brands and I forgot about Fuente cigars. With this Belicoso I remember how delicious this cigar is, this flavor profile never gets old, and that wrapper is just amazing.
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Alexander S (verified owner) –
It is generally known that the Fuente family uses high-quality Cameroon wrapper for its brand. The wrapper has the same nutty, sweet-and-sour finish I get on the Hemingway Short Story Natural. Absolutely beautiful clean finish. The Don Carlos blend has a zesty orange blossom and almond butter. I was surprised in how good and well constructed the cigar was. Definitely box worthy.
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tomherbert12 (verified owner) –
The Don Carlos has been around for a long time. It was first released in 1976. It amazes me how they’ve managed to keep this cigar consistent for so long. It is one of my favorite cigars ever made with a distinct flavor profile that is unique to Arturo Fuente and absolutely delicious. Nobody does Cameroon tobacco like Arturo Fuente. I prefer the No. 2 which can sometimes be hard to find but you really can’t go wrong with any of the vitolas. Construction and draw are always excellent. The Don Carlos is a cigar I can easily smoke every day, I highly recommend it.
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jhdenny3 (verified owner) –
Classic blend and one that I always have on hand. Consistent construction and flavors every time. I can pick one of these up any time of day and it just works. Get some
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Anonymous (verified owner) –
Don Carlos is an absolute classic. The #3 corona I feel is the best vitola as it really delivers the flavors as intended. Get that earthy, baking spice, brown sugar and cedar. This cigar smoked absolutely beautifully. Great burn, draw was perfect and I didn’t have to touch it up once. It has that classic AF flavor of well aged tobacco that I expected and it definitely delivered on this. Great stick at a great price!
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Eddy (verified owner) –
Fuente at its finest! I do find however that different size changes the character of the cigar wildly. I would recommend larger sizes itstead of smaller ones.
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bmwbrucemarks (verified owner) –
Been on the waitlist for a box of mini Belicoso for quite awhile, and finally was notified Oxford had a box for me. Definitely worth the wait, and this is definitely my favorite short smoke along with Padron Principe.
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1432376749 (verified owner) –
It’s easy to smoke, sweet, fruity, grainy and sweet, and burns well enough to give you 50 minutes of pleasure, good prices and discounts at Oxford station, fast shipping, and intact packaging with no breakage or bumps.
Generally speaking, I have bought cigars in Oxford Station for several times, and I am satisfied with their quality, delivery speed and service. Besides, the loading speed of new products is also very timely, and there are always many new products to choose from. I will continue to buy them later.
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codyjv11 (verified owner) –
Look…if you haven’t tried this’re slacking. Always fantastic. From construction to burn to flavor..this is a classic. Notes of roasted coffee, coco, spice and nuts. Overall a 9/10 cigar. Get it!
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yrk30346 (verified owner) –
For someone who isn’t a huge cigar smoker this is one I thoroughly enjoyed to the very end. The taste, though mild, was pleasant and did not turn bitter at the end. The aroma was not overpowering, and my mouth didn’t taste like formaldehyde for the rest of the day like with some cigars. This one definitely makes it to my favorites list
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Daniel O’Connell (verified owner) –
In my view, the best Fuente cigar that doesn’t cost an absolute fortune – you’ve got the sweet-spice of the Cameroon wrapper over some really nutty Dominican filler. If you like the Hemingway series, but want to step up to something with a bit more body, this is the right step up – it’s really refined, and a perfect morning cigar alongside a cup of good coffee.
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Thiago A Ferreira (verified owner) –
Arturo fuente e bom, imagina um Don Carlos? Charuto pra comprar de caixa e envelhecer. Dominicano de ótima qualidade e nunca vai te decepcionar
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thatamsyndrome (verified owner) –
Its a Fuente. Its exactly what you’d expect. Solid construction. Good solid flavors. Transitions between thirds are wonderful. Gets more pepper the further you go, but never too much to blow out your palate.
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Justin White (verified owner) –
Creamy cedar, sweet earth, almonds and black pepper. An extraordinary blend, it lives up to its accolades.
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Thiago Araújo Ferreira (verified owner) –
AF well-balanced cigar. goes too well with cognac
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robertschris1122 (verified owner) –
Easily my favorite regular production Fuente. These are always winners
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frankie.fyh (verified owner) –
A really smooth, well balanced smoke. A really great cigar!
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robertschris1122 (verified owner) –
This cigar really needs no introduction or push for you to buy it. Don’t even think about, just buy it and love it already!
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