With the spirit of adventure and a determination to find pioneering and exciting taste experiences for the aficionado, Davidoff’s experts are on a continuous journey of exploration. The desire to seek out the world’s finest tobaccos led to Nicaragua, where volcano-enriched soil in the Ometepe, Jalapa, and Esteli Regions, combined with the climate, has helped create just the right balance to entice the palate. Taking considerable time, 10 years, in fact, to ensure the Davidoff standard of quality, as well as to tame the wilder inclinations of the Nicaraguan tobaccos, we’ve cultivated a cigar that delivers a blend with intensity, excitement, and all of the cultivated sophistication you would expect from a Davidoff cigar.
Davidoff Primeros Nicaragua Maduro
SKU: 94125
Categories: Cigar Brands, Cigar Collection, Cigar Tins, Davidoff Cigars
Tags: Cigar Box, cigar tins, Cigars, Dominican Republic, Full Bodied, Medium Bodied
Brand: Davidoff Cigars
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Strength: Medium-Full Bodied
Size: 4 1/8 x 34
Country: Nicaragua
Wrapper Origin: Mexico
Wrapper Leaf: Sumatra
Tin Count: 6
Sizes | Box of 30 – Nicaragua Maduro 4 1/8 x 34, Tin – Nicaragua Maduro 4 1/8 x 34 |
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