A classic collection of premium cigars that embody the most traditional expressions of their origins. Many of these blends were created more than 25 years ago, yet are painstakingly maintained year after year, and remain some of our best-selling premium cigars.
A classically maintained expression of a smooth Dominican Cigar with a Broadleaf Maduro wrapper. Mellow and slightly earthy with a classic Broadleaf Maduro flavor.
Ysofockup (verified owner) –
This was a very good cigar. The burn was text book with a staight burn line, plenty of smoke and a very easy draw. Initial profile was earthy with just a little pepper. This gave way to dark chocolate and some bitterness. There were some floral and light chocolate notes on the retrohale. The overall flavor profile was a little darker than I usually go for, but the very high quality of the cigar made me want to try some of the other blends in this series. Definitely recommended if you like a good maduro.
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Anonymous (verified owner) –
Been trying different sticks lately and mostly what I’ve tried from this company has been Connecticut wrappers and they were all excellent. This maduro is mighty tasty. From this I’m getting light roast coffee, toasted cedar and leather. I’ve always enjoyed cigars rolled in the Rothschild vitola and this fits into that. This smokes really well as the draw is great, smoke output is perfect and the burn line holds super tight. Wrapper is that nice dark chocolate color with few noticeable veins that has some toothy characteristics to it. I don’t reach for maduros much anymore as Connecticut is more my jam but I would 100% circle back to this stick. Everything about this was what I look for in a solid stick at an incredible price.
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