Y PANDA CIGAR: A Journey of Resilience and Growth Translated into a Unique Smoking Experience
Oxford Cigar Company is thrilled to present Y Panda Cigar, the latest masterpiece from the Luciano Cigars’ Family of Brands. This cigar is not just a remarkable smoking experience; it’s a narrative of resilience, mentorship, and the fusion of tradition and innovation.
Y Panda Cigar embodies the complex and inspiring journey of Linxu “Panda” Yan. His story of leaving China, finding a new passion in the tobacco world of the United States, and his mentorship under Luciano Meirelles, co-founder and CEO of Luciano Cigars, is woven into every aspect of this cigar.
Y Panda is a poignant expression of Panda Yan’s life, blending the pain of leaving his family with the joy of discovering his purpose. This cigar represents the duality of life – the good in the bad, opportunities in adversity, and finding clarity in uncertainty.
The collaboration between Panda Yan and Luciano Meirelles combines their diverse backgrounds and shared passion for tobacco. This partnership has resulted in a co-blended cigar that showcases their collective vision and deep understanding of the art of cigar making.
Y Panda disrupts traditional palates with its complex blend. Featuring a meticulously aged Corojo 98 Colorado wrapper, it offers a harmonious balance of flavors. The dual binder, made from Brazilian Arapiraca and Ecuadorian Sumatra, introduces a mild sweetness, while the Jalapa Viso and Esteli Seco fillers create a perfect yin and yang – a blend of sweet and mild with a hint of strength.
Indulge in the captivating allure of Y Panda, a cigar that not only represents Luciano Cigars’ legacy but also celebrates Panda Yan’s unique journey. This cigar invites you to embrace life’s contradictions and uncover the answers within its complex smoke.
Experience the unique blend of Y Panda, available at Oxford Cigar Company. Take advantage of our fast shipping, rewards program, and price-match guarantee. Order your Y Panda cigars today and embark on a journey of discovery, where tradition meets innovation, and every puff tells a story of resilience and growth.
alinaqvi32 (verified owner) –
This cigar opened with a pleasant raisin sweetness, followed by rich caramel that balances the chocolate notes. Baking spices added depth, with a hint of star anise that enhanced the profile. It settles into a medium body, a light woodiness appeared, blending beautifully with the sweet and spicy elements for a well-rounded experience.
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Anonymous (verified owner) –
I was excited to try this based off of the previous reviews. From this I got earthiness, baking spice and some cedar. This never got above medium for me. The construction was beautiful. Great draw and burn. Loved everything about this flavor bomb. Another great stick from Luciano.
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DC (verified owner) –
The Y Panda is a complex and flavorful smoke. It starts with notes of spice, earth, and cedar, transitioning to a rich blend of coffee, chocolate, and a hint of sweetness. The draw is smooth, and the construction is top-notch. Overall, a truly enjoyable and satisfying experience. Would recommend to both experienced and new cigar smokers.
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Cricken (verified owner) –
So far I’ve only tried the Corona Gorda but have the Toro and Robusto to try, as well.
Very nice medium body, medium strength cigar. There’s a lingering coffee sweetness on the palate that is really enjoyable. If you retro, you can pick up a light/medium spice that adds a great balance to the profile.
Construction was great and ash fell off in 1.5 in chunks. and never had to touch up or relight.
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contrerast3 (verified owner) –
This is a delicious cigar! Another banger from Luciano right here. One of those cigars I keep coming back to. Smooth, sweet and well balanced.
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Justin White (verified owner) –
This was an excellent cigar in the first two thirds, but dropped off at the end. In the front end of the experience I got lots of molasses sweetness mixed with savory nutty flavors, rounded out with both a pleasant mineral quality and a cinnamon and black pepper spice profile. Nice draw, good smoke output, unfortunately in the final third the cigar just seemed to eat bogged down. Instead of burning and drawing nicely it started to smolder, and the flavors started getting acrid. I took my time with it and purged it a few times but to no avail. Hopefully that was just an outlier, as most of Lucianos stuff has impressed me. I will be trying this one again, dud ending or not, the front half was good enough to warrant a revisit.
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Alexander S (verified owner) –
This cigar has a beautiful transition between each third. I really enjoyed the slight sweetness throughout the cigar that must have been coming from the double binder with Brazilian Arapiraca and Ecuadorian Sumatra. The Nicaraguan fillers give it a really nice body and medium strength. This cigar was blended amazingly.
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Lou Cross (verified owner) –
I had the pleasure of smoking one of these right after the PCA tradeshow this year. I immediately pre-ordered a box of the YPanda corona gorda and have smoked through half of the box already since it arrived. The Y Panda Corona Gorda cigar is an elegant premium cigar. From its impeccable construction to the carefully curated blend of tobaccos, every aspect of this cigar speaks to the expertise and passion of its co-blenders, Yan and Luciano Meirelles. Measuring at 5 5/8″ x 46, the size is perfect for indulging in a luxurious smoking experience. The Ecuadorian corojo 98 wrapper sets the stage with a flawless, oily sheen that promises a rich and flavorful journey. The double binder of Brazilian arapiraca and Ecuadorian Sumatra adds a unique complexity, creating a harmonious marriage of flavors. The filler, composed of Nicaraguan tobacco from Jalapa and Estelí, introduces a captivating interplay of edgy sweetness and mild, yet vivid flavors. This combination, likened to yin and yang, offers a delightful contrast that is a true delight for the seasoned palate. Luciano Cigars has truly disrupted the status quo with this blend, showcasing their signature complexity and mastery. Smoking the Y Panda Corona Gorda is not just an experience, but a journey through the artistry and dedication of its creators. For aficionados seeking a cigar that delivers on flavor and creaminess, this is an absolute must-try.
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