CAO Cigars Dream Machine 1024x1000 qV42gv

General Cigar Calls on Moosylvania To Rev Up Sales With AI

When General Cigar wanted some help launching its newest cigar, it called on its St. Louis agency Moosylvania to come up with an innovative approach to light up cigar aficionado’s interest.

The cigar in question was the new CAO Resonator. The agency ideated on all aspects of the assignment and presented a solution involving AI and the creation of the CAO Flathead Dream Machine.

The Flathead Dream Car generator link can be seen here:
“Working with Ed Lahmann, senior brand manager for CAO Cigars, Moosylvania developed the CAO Flathead Dream Machine, and an AI vehicle designer that enables users to build their own revved-up car, motorcycle, dirt bike, or just about anything else they can imagine,” Agency Account VP Michael Harris said in a press release.  “The Flathead line of cigars has always been inspired by hot rods and car culture. For the launch of Resonator this month, we wanted fans to be inspired to create as well.”

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