SOTL Global Movement is delighted to share the remarkable success of CASTRO’s Cigar Lounge recent certification event, marking the inauguration of the First Women-Friendly Cigar Destination. The event, held on March 27th, was met with overwhelming enthusiasm and joy.
More than 150 cigar lovers, including 70 women, who graced the occasion, infusing the evening with sophistication and charm. Guests were treated to a delightful Complimentary Champagne Tasting by Veuve Clicquot, setting the tone for an unforgettable experience.
A notable highlight was the esteemed presence of Temi CCST, Themi Bu, from Serendipity Cigars & Emperos Cut Cigars, a revered figure in the cigar community and a member of the Advisory Board. Temi CCST’s exclusive visit to Phoenix for this ceremony added an extra touch of prestige and significance.
The spotlight rightfully shone on Ikova Castellanos, the General Manager of Castro’s, as she was honored for her exceptional contributions to the cigar community and her unwavering dedication to promoting inclusivity and empowerment.
The event received strong support from industry leaders, including the visionary entrepreneur Bryan Tomshon, the founder of “Smoke in the Desert,” and the remarkable women of Wrapped N Smoke, led by the founder Keake Federick, who is also a partner in “Smoke N the Desert”, symbolizing unity, creativity, and passion within the cigar-loving community. Additionally, the partners of “Smoke N the Desert,” Kimberly Green, Trimaco Williams, and Mike Dix and the SGM members Madlene “Cigar Royal” & Lucretia R Lee-Arceneaux also significantly contributed to the success of the event and to a welcoming and inclusive cigar environment
“We are thrilled by the tremendous success of our certification event, which showcases the results of the hard work of all the team at Castro’s,” remarked Ikova Castellanos, General Manager of Castro’s Cigar Lounge. “Castro’s Cigar Lounge gratefully acknowledges Dr. Anastasia Psomiadi, founder of the SOTL Global Movement, and Lefty Karropoulos, Chief Development Officer, for their unwavering commitment to championing inclusivity and empowerment within the cigar community.”
In addition to the festivities, Raquel, a talented poet, recited one of her poems, captivating the participants and adding an extra layer of artistic charm to the evening.
As the evening concluded, guests raised their glasses in a toast to new beginnings and the ongoing empowerment of women in the cigar world, embodying the essence of the #sotlglobalmovement and confirming their dedication to breaking stereotypes”
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The post Castro’s Cigar Lounge Receives SOTL Global Movement first appeared on Cigar Journal.