Bond Roberts, the online global Cuban cigar auction platform which has quickly become the trusted benchmark for auctioning aged, rare, and vintage Cuban cigars, launched Bond Roberts Cigars at Paramount Worldcenter, Miami on Saturday 27 April. The launch party, hosted by Rob Ayala, CEO of Bond Roberts, saw a group of cigar lovers joined by Oscar Valladeres, Hamlet Paredes, and Rob Fox, of JJFox, to celebrate the brand.
The cigars, blended by legendary Cuban cigar roller Hamlet Paredes, are produced at Oscar Valladeres’ factory in Honduras under the Fabrica 5 concept. The Fabrica 5 concept celebrates cigars’ appeal to each of the five senses.
The first of the Bond Roberts Cigars line include a Petit 109 (50 ring gauge x 5 7/8 inches) and 109 (50 ring gauge x 7 ¼). They will shortly be followed by a Dalia and Flying Pig.
These very distinguishable vitolas have been chosen due to their scarcity on the Cuban and general cigar market.
All cigars are predominantly Honduran and Nicaraguan blends.
“With recent Habanos SA price rises across the globe, the concept of Bond Roberts Cigars is to deliver a first-rate product at approachable price points, ensuring that purchasing a box of premium cigars is not beyond anyone’s means,” said Rob Ayala, CEO of Bond Roberts. “Expertly blended by Hamlet Paredes, each vitola’s blend is also reviewed by Bond Roberts’ ‘Quorum’, a group of international aficionados to ensure the blends meet a distinct flavor profile.”
Hamlet Paredes, who oversees the Fabrica 5 production, is pleased to be working alongside such respected names in the industry. “Developing the blends and overseeing production with Oscar Valladeres’ team has been an exciting and formidable project,” said Paredes. “I look forward to further developing Bond Roberts Cigars and the Fabrica 5 concept.”
Cuban creative design expert Angel Miranda Battle designed the brand’s artwork. Each cigar features a single branded band, while 25-count Cabinet Selection boxes are adorned with the Bond Roberts logo.
Bond Roberts Cigars will be distributed from July 1, 2024 in the UK by JJFox and across Europe and Asia by COH Cigars. US distribution via a Bond Roberts Specialists concept will be announced September 2024. Each year, the brand plans to launch up to two new vitolas globally.
The post Bond Roberts Cigars Launched in Miami first appeared on Cigar Journal.