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Stinky Cigar acquired by Quality Importers

Quality Importers Trading Company has acquired the Stinky Cigar brand of cigar accessories. Quality has been the exclusive wholesale distributor for Stinky since 2011. In a press release, Stinky said, “Over the last 13 years, Quality Importers has grown the brand and distribution far beyond our expectations.”

Quality Importers plans to continue offering all current styles of Stinky Cigar,  which offers a line of cigar ashtrays, including tabletop and floor models in various colors and sizes.

“Stinky started his company with one model ashtray, which is still sold today,” Mike Giordano, CEO of Quality Importers, said in a press release. “The companies share a common history and mission of providing top-quality cigar accessories to the worldwide premium cigar trade at a reasonable price, so it was a natural evolution to go from exclusively distributing the Stinky Cigar brand to owning it.”

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