Les Fines Lames Adds New Items to their Cigar Accessories Line

If you are a fan of the Les Fines Lames cigar accessories designs, you have plenty to celebrate with the company new releases. You probably have already seen their cigar cutter knives, stands and their wearable cigar punchers and cutters, but what would you expect to be the next line of accessories? I bet you got the right answer. Lighters.

The new Le Feu, The Fire in French, was the main star at their boot at InterTabac 2024. The new lighters will come in different colors and designs, and they are scheduled to hit the market in November.

For the ones that replied to cigar cases to the question above you were also right. Le Fine Lames is also presenting a new set of leather cases for two and three cigars. Cases will be available in October 2024.

The company also presented some new designs in their already existing lines of knives and cutters but the one that caught more attention was the new ashtray in aluminum. Following the same design of the concrete line, the new aluminum one also comes in one and two cigars’ formats.

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