Indulge in the ultimate cigar experience with Casdagli Cigars Cut & Light Virtual Event featuring, the renowned owner and founder Jeremy Casdagli. This is not just another virtual event, but an exclusive opportunity to immerse yourself in the world of premium cigars from the comfort of your own home.
Join Jeremy, Casdagli owner and founder, world-renowned cigar aficionado, and storyteller for a truly unforgettable experience. He will guide you through the history, production, and tasting of some of the finest cigars, all while sharing his vast knowledge and expertise on the subject.
During this event, you will also have the opportunity to ask questions and interact live with Jeremy, gaining insight into the art of smoking cigars. Ticket holders will also receive a selection of Casdagli cigars, curated specifically for this event by Jeremy Casdagli. These cigars are crafted from the highest quality tobaccos, ensuring a smooth and satisfying smoke that will leave you craving more. But that’s not all – your ticket also includes up to 10 raffle entries for Casdagli merchandise.
Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to learn from one of the most knowledgeable and respected cigar experts in the world. Sign up for the Casdagli Cigars Virtual Cut & Light event with Jeremy Casdagli today and experience the ultimate cigar journey. The event will take place over Zoom on Saturday, June 3rd, at 3:30 PM
Tier 1 Package (Limited to 55 Tickets)
Casdagli Daughters of the Wind Sabino |
Casdagli Club Mareva Spalato 2 |
Casdagli Club Mareva Gran Mareva |
Casdagli Club Mareva Gran Mareva Gold |
Villa Casdagli Lonsdale |
1 Raffle Entries |
Tier 2 Package (Limited to 25 Tickets)
Tier 1 Pack |
Casdagli Basilica A |
Casdagli Basilica C #3 |
Villa Casdagli Pigasus |
Casdagli Traditional Line Super Belicosos |
Casdagli Club Mareva Especial |
5 Raffle Entries |
Tier 3 Package (Limited to 15 Tickets)
Tier 1 Pack |
Tier 2 Pack |
Casdagli Cypher 3311 Needle |
Socks |
Pocket Square |
Villa Casdagli Corona Gorda 5 Pack |
10 Raffle Entries |