Tatuaje 20th Anniversary Cigars: A Milestone Blend Celebrating Two Decades of Excellence
Step into the world of ultimate cigar luxury with the Tatuaje 20th Anniversary Cigars, a superlative commemorative release honoring a landmark in the history of boutique, premium cigars. Established in 2003 by Pete Johnson, in collaboration with José “Pepín” García, Tatuaje Cigars has skyrocketed to the apex of the cigar industry, earning a place of reverence among aficionados worldwide.
Commemorating an Illustrious History
Following the acclaimed tradition of the brand’s 10th Anniversary cigars, the Tatuaje 20th Anniversary line adds two new custom-banded offerings to the company’s original Seleccion de Cazador (also known as Tatuaje Brown Label) series: the Tatuaje 20th Grande Merveille and the Tatuaje 20th Grand Chasseur. Elegantly adorned with a black band that echoes the 10th Anniversary design—updated to mark the milestone 20th year—these cigars embody the ethos of sophisticated craftsmanship that Tatuaje Cigars is known for.
Exquisite Construction and Blend
At the core of these esteemed cigars is Pete Johnson’s signature all-Nicaraguan binder and fillers. To complete this masterful blend, an oily Ecuadorian Habano wrapper is meticulously applied. Each cigar comes with an unfinished foot that allows the wrapper leaf to close over it, offering cigar enthusiasts an extra burst of Habano flavor during the toasting and lighting process.
Tasting Notes for the Discerning Palate
Both the Tatuaje 20th Grande Merveille and Grand Chasseur present a medium-full intensity, complemented by a flavorful profile. Prepare for an immersive experience marked by mineral-rich earth, sumptuous cocoa, spicy black pepper, robust leather, and a refreshingly clean sweetness that gracefully extends through the finish.
Unparalleled Excellence in Every Puff
These extraordinary cigars are not just another addition to your collection but are artifacts that symbolize two decades of unwavering quality and innovation in the cigar industry. Crafted with the highest standards of quality and presented in two distinguished sizes—6⅛” x 46 (Grande Merveille) and 6⅜” x 54 (Grand Chasseur)—each cigar serves as a testament to the Tatuaje legacy.
Don’t miss out on the chance to partake in this landmark celebration. Add the Tatuaje 20th Anniversary Cigars to your collection and indulge in a smoking experience that’s second to none.
mhatz (verified owner) –
Dark chocolate and oily wrapper with a closed foot.
Wrapper flavors initially are leather and light chocolate. The cigar opens up once it hits the filler and the profile is quickly joined by malt, sweet bread, and light white pepper on the retro. A sweet and salty note becomes more prominent and really pairs well with coffee I’m sipping on.
Razor sharp burn line despite the obscene humidity out this morning. These are worth checking out, might have to double back and get a box. My only complaint is the size, wish they would offer these in robusto.
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Giacomo Mannino (verified owner) –
Awesome cigar from Tatuaje. A great cigar to celebrate 20 years! Great burn, great flavor, great size. After smoking 3, I plan to buy another box.
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DC (verified owner) –
This Tatuaje 20th Anniversary lives up to the hype. Rich and complex, with flavors all over the place – cedar, spice, pepper, a hint of fruit. Definitely medium-full bodied, creamy and smooth.
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stsherwood4 (verified owner) –
To be fair I knew I was going to love the cigar, the Tatuaje Belle Encre 10 year is a staple in my humidor and I never allow myself to run out. This vitola just works with any blend it feels like. Despite the black band, done for anniversary purposes, this is your basic brown label and a tried and true classic. That tatuaje pepper smooths out into some nice earthy tones. Box worthy for sure!
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Sebastian Urena (verified owner) –
This is like a Brown Label on steroids, but don’t get me wrong, this is not a powerful cigar, it is full of that brown-label flavors we all know, baking spices, nuts, and some pepper to keep it interesting.
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wnferguson (verified owner) –
Great cigar. Love the size. Bold flavors and smoked great even right off of the truck. May need to pickup a box of these in the future.
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Anonymous (verified owner) –
I was really looking forward to trying this as I love most things from Tatuaje. This was incredible. Love the bold flavors from this. Getting black coffee, toasted wood and blackstrap molasses. There is some slight spice to this but nothing that fights with the flavors. This cigar was tightly wrapped and the dark wrapper on this is absolutely gorgeous. Love the band design to this. The construction on this cigar is perfect. The draw is awesome, burn incredible and smoke output is great. This smokes like an absolute dream. Tatuaje definitely hit a home run with this blend and smoking it was a pleasure. I believe that leaving a few of these to age would be incredible. Really glad I got to try these and as Always a great price from Oxford!
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Jefferson Cheng (verified owner) –
I ordered the grande merveille and smoked one rott as usual. This cigar is definitely box worthy. What a fitting way to celebrate 20 years in business, well done Pete!
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Justin White (verified owner) –
Excellent in all departments. Lots of roasted coffee and toasty natural tobacco flavors, and just the right amount of spice blend, mostly nutmeg on the back end. Burned perfect and I love this size. Awesome new addition to their regular production, it will definitely be a staple in my humidor.
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