West Tampa Boliche Blvd: A Limited Edition Cigar Celebrating Tampa’s Rich Heritage
Introducing the West Tampa Boliche Blvd, a new limited edition cigar from West Tampa Tobacco Co., launched post its teaser at the 2023 PCA Convention & Trade Show. This unique cigar not only encapsulates the essence of Tampa’s vibrant Cuban and Latino influences but also stands as a tribute to the city’s storied cigar-making history.
A Nod to Tampa’s Culinary and Cultural Landscape
Named after the renowned Columbus Drive in Tampa, Fla., affectionately dubbed Boliche Blvd for its array of Cuban and Latino restaurants, this cigar echoes the rich and flavorful experiences of the area. Boliche, a Cuban dish of eye-round beef stuffed with ham, represents the blend of cultures and tastes that have shaped Tampa’s identity, an essence that has been intricately woven into this exclusive cigar.
Personal Touch from Master Blender Rick Rodriguez
Rick Rodriguez, master blender and co-owner, brings a personal touch to the Boliche Blvd. His vision for the West Tampa brand has always been to honor Tampa’s illustrious cigar-making past, celebrate its dynamic present, and contribute to its promising future. By collaborating with the legendary Oliva Tobacco Company, this cigar is a homage to Tampa’s legacy and a beacon of its bright future in cigar craftsmanship.
Exclusive and Mysterious Blend
The Boliche Blvd is shrouded in mystery, with its blend details remaining undisclosed, adding to its allure. The only hint given is the involvement of Oliva Tobacco Co., renowned tobacco growers headquartered in Tampa, known for their exceptional tobacco cultivated in various countries. This secrecy creates an air of exclusivity and anticipation, promising a unique and memorable smoking experience.
Imposing Presence and Accessibility
Presented in a commanding 6 x 60 gordo vitola, priced at $12.99 per cigar, the Boliche Blvd is as accessible as it is prestigious. It’s designed to be a cigar that appeals to both novices and seasoned aficionados, offering a balanced and engaging smoking journey.
Limited Availability for a Select Few
With only 500 boxes of 50 cigars each being produced by Nicaragua American Cigars S.A. (NACSA), the Boliche Blvd is a collector’s item. This limited availability ensures that each cigar is a coveted piece, perfect for those who appreciate the rarity and exclusivity of a well-crafted cigar.
The Perfect Addition to Your Cigar Collection
Whether you’re a cigar enthusiast with a penchant for limited editions or someone who appreciates the rich history of Tampa’s cigar industry, the West Tampa Boliche Blvd is an essential addition to your collection.
Experience the fusion of culture, history, and exceptional tobacco craftsmanship with the West Tampa Boliche Blvd. Embrace the opportunity to be a part of Tampa’s cigar legacy. Order now and indulge in a cigar that encapsulates the spirit of a city known for its rich cigar heritage.
etakmit (verified owner) –
I love me some West Tampa stuff and when I had the opportunity to grab these I jumped on it.
Now I’m not a ‘list a bunch of flavor notes’ kind of smoker – I have good or bad while on occasion maybe getting a touch of chocolate or coffee or the like.
These are constructed amazingly and smoke VERY good for me. They’re definitely a 5/5 in my little cigar world.
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