League of Fat Bastards (LOFB) cigars is thrilled to announce a significant expansion of its distribution network across the Asia Pacific region and the Middle East, reinforcing its commitment to making premium cigars accessible globally.
“With a mission to redefine masculinity through authentic connections and innovative products, LOFB continues to champion men’s mental health initiatives, dedicating 40% of net profits to supporting these causes,” said Adam J. Levine, Founder of LOFB. “Our vision is to foster a community where quality, innovation, and transparency are at the forefront.”
LOFB announced distribution agreements with distributors and retailers in Singapore, Hong Kong, Malaysia, New Zealand and the Middle East.
LOFB cigars are now available in through The Cigarist, a renowned distributor in Singapore known for its exceptional selection and commitment to quality. This partnership ensures that cigar enthusiasts in Singapore will have access to LOFB’s premium products, supported by The Cigarist’s impeccable customer service and expertise.
LOFB is set to launch imminently with Canteros, a respected name in the New Zealand cigar community. Canteros is celebrated for its dedication to offering the finest cigars, making it a perfect partner for LOFB’s premium offerings.
Trinidad Cigar Group, Malaysia, is in the process of registering LOFB cigars. Known for its extensive reach and robust distribution network, Trinidad Cigar Group will facilitate the introduction of LOFB’s exceptional products to the Malaysian market, ensuring a seamless and widespread availability.
Scheduled to be available in Hong Kong via Cigraal in Q4 2024, Cigraal is dedicated to bringing a curated selection of premium cigars to discerning customers in Hong Kong and across the region. With a focus on quality and customer satisfaction, Cigraal ensures a top-tier experience for all cigar aficionados.
Established in 2018, Leaf Masters has grown to become the largest tobacco trading venture in the GCC and MENA regions, offering over 750 different cigar options and more than 150 unique cigar accessories. “Founded by Raed Saqfelhait, Leaf Masters is a highly reputable distributor in the Middle Eastern market, specializing in New World cigars and their expertise in the cigar industry, combined with a commitment to quality and innovation, makes Leaf Masters an ideal partner for LOFB,” said Levine. “Leaf Masters provides curated cigar experiences and has collaborated with luxury brands like Cartier, Louis Vuitton, and Lamborghini, ensuring that LOFB’s premium cigars reach discerning customers across the region.”
This strategic growth underscores LOFB’s commitment to quality and accessibility, enhancing its presence in key global markets. Our expansion follows LOFB’s successful growth in the USA, where our products have been warmly received by cigar enthusiasts.
The post League of Fat Bastards Expands Across Asia and Middle East first appeared on Cigar Journal.