Big Payback 70s Maduro 262x1024 C1iymx

Room101 Bulks Up with The Big Payback 70s Maduro

Room101 is delivering a 7 x 70  to The Big Payback Maduro line. Room101 70s were out of production from 2016 until last year when the brand launched a Sumatra version of the Big Payback 70s.

Room101 The Big Payback 70s Maduro ($8.99) features a U.S. Broadleaf wrapper, a Nicaraguan binder, and filler tobacco from Honduras and the Dominican Republic. It was produced at the HATSA Factory in Honduras.

The Big Payback 70s Maduro is branded with blue-and-yellow bands and box art, distinct from the rest of the frontmarks in The Big Payback Maduro line. 

Other sizes of The Big Payback include a 6 x 60 Gordo, a 5.25 x 50 Robusto, a 6 x 54 Toro, and a 4.5 x 50 Papi Chulo.

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