Interview with Ricardo Carioni and Thomas Gryson of The Cigar Academy – Cigar Snob Podcast E160

Thomas Gryson and Ricardo Carioni discovered a gap in the marketplace and sprung into action to fill the void. They created The Cigar Academy, an organization that educates and certifies tobacconists and consumers from all over the cigar world. They joined Cigar Snob’s Ivan Ocampo via Zoom to discuss their journey in tobacco and how their organization can help you be a more educated cigar lover.

Watch what’s also on this podcast episode

Reviewing Rocky Patel Dark Star

Perfect Pairings: Rocky Patel Dark Star x Rye Whisky

How do you know if your tobacconist is knowledgeable?  

Interview with Ricardo Carioni and Thomas Gryson of The Cigar Academy

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