Do Torch Lighters Scorch Cigars? – Cigar Snob Podcast E161

A loyal listener and longtime cigar smoker posed a question to the Cigar Snob Podcast: Do jet flame lighters scorch cigars? Is there a way to light a cigar with a torch that won’t ruin your smoke? Are soft flames the only way to go? The team took aim at this one and fired some sound advice.

If you have a burning question regarding your smoking experience, send it our way and we’ll answer it in an upcoming show.

Watch what’s also on this podcast episode 

 Reviewing My Father Fonseca Edition MX

Perfect Pairings: Fonseca Edition MX & Top Shelf Rums 

 Do Torch Lighters Scorch Cigars? 

 Interview with Michael Giannini of Quality Importers 

Click HERE to check out our other Videos!

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