Travel with us – we give you a global overview of what is moving the cigar industry. Once again, we have gathered exciting stories, background knowledge, and information on our passion, smoking cigars, from all corners of the world.
If you missed this edition, you can order a back-issue.
The following is an overview of the contents of the 4/2023 edition:
Cigar Trophy Awards 2023
Smoky Spirits
Blind Tasting: 60 Blind-Tasted Cigars
Tasting a Cigar Together: Intemperance Volstead 1920 Izzy Einstein by RoMa Craft
Cover Story: Manuel Quesada
Cigar Knowledge: Davidoff’s Creation – From Seed to Cigar
Cigar Bands: Casa 1910 Cuchillo Parado
Company Portrait: Altezas Reales 1871 (AR 1871)
Destination: Canada
Destination: Alaska
Armagnac: The Golden Future of the Oldest Brandy
Pairing: Armagnac & Cigars
Cigar Knowledge: PERDOMO CIGARS: Die ultimative Fabriktour
Cigar Personality: Vladimir Micov
Vintage Humidors: Trinidad Farm House
Company Portrait: The Kleinlagels
Cigar Accessories: Ciccar
Company Portrait: Alföld-Tabak
Women-Friendly: Women, Welcome!
Platinum Nova Cigars: A Big and Significant Step
Cigar Personality: Talal Al-Abdullah
Cigar & Culture: Ernest Hemingway’s Flying Cigars
Destination: Hannover and Southeastern Lower Saxony
Cigar Smoking World Championship 2023
Brand Portrait: Flor de Copán
Most Memorable Cigar: Nick Hammond
The post Winter Edition 2023 – Manuel Quesada first appeared on Cigar Journal.